Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Not wanting to turn up to a baby shower empty handed? lacking a suitable gift idea or worried your present will be a double up? Sometimes large baby showers will provide a gift list, but this isn't always the case. Especially because a gift isn't really necessary, your presence, love and support, and celebrating with the parents is what getting together is all about. That said, who doesn't love giving gifts and shopping for babies is so much fun! For those of you who are after some inspiration I've got a few small gift suggestions, ideas and tips to share with you.

  •  If you're opting for clothing as a present, think about the season the baby will be born into. Will they be a winter, spring, summer or autumn baby?  Ask the parents about an estimated birth weight or how many months old they will be during these seasons. Do you know the gender? If not neutral tones are safest. Think about what style and lifestyle the parents have, are they hippy, beachy or more luxury ‘dress to impress’? This can help you choose an appropriate style and size so they can get good wear out of your gift. 
  •  Teddy bears and plush toys can often be gifted in bulk at these occasions, so I suggest thinking about down the track too. Babies grow quickly and they’ll rapidly need larger clothing sizes, shoes once walking, and sensory play things. They will be on solids at around 6 months so suitable feeding accessories and teething items will become necessary. Dummies need to be kept sterile so a dummy keepsafe is a great, practical gift idea. It is always helpful for parents to have these items ahead of time and ready to go.
  • Always appreciated are consumables - the essentials that always run out! Find out what kind of care products, nappies and wipes they are planning on using. While not as exciting, gifting essentials is always a great option because you know they will be needed and used. You can never have too many nappies and wipes stocked up!
  •  After a brilliant keepsake and money savvy option? Ditch the over priced congratulations card and opt for a book instead. You can leave your congratulations message inside and provide lasting memories for the parents and baby.
  • Make the new parents' life easier with a pram caddy. Almost everyone searches for the perfect baby bag, but the humble pram caddy often gets overlooked. Keeping all the important essentials right at their fingertips when they're out and about with bub, this is one gift they will definitely thank you for. Plus, our pram caddys are multipurpose - they can also be used as shoulder bags!
  • Home cooked food prep! This is a game changing idea that can really help during and after a long day. Prepare snacks or a meal to freeze that they can indulge in postpartum. Post birth they will be hands full, tired and adjusting to their new life as parents. 

My last piece of advice would be if you're choosing a gift, don't think you need to spend lots. Remember it’s the thought and gesture that count and most important is your presence on the day to share and help celebrate the excitement of the new life soon to enter the world. I hope this list has inspired you or helped give you some ideas on how you can spoil the growing baby.


Skye & Sunny

About the Author

Hi, I'm Skye! I’m the mother of a beautiful little girl called Sunny. Later this year I will be introducing Sunny to her first sibling, a baby brother and learning how to balance my lifestyle with ‘two under two’. I love keeping fit, eating healthy, being outdoors and having an organised but relaxed lifestyle. 

I have always had a passion for creative work; modeling, makeup artistry, exercise, taking photos and content creation. Bursting with this creativity, I’m always keen to share more of my passions and my own life lessons. This led me to launch my blog and youtube to bring you monthly content. If you’d like to follow along my journey check me out here: instagramyoutubewebsite/blog.